
patching the patch

Remember how relieving it was to see this in the Docking Station aftermath times?

For some reason, I thought DS was released in late 2002. It was actually released in early 2001.

I know people who are younger than DS.

There's a few things about the existing login disablers for DS that annoy me, so I'm working on my own patch for that. It's got a couple of glitches to iron out before I release, and I also want to modify the script for the logon button (topleft GUI) so it prompts you to reauth if you click it,  just in case netbabel ever does return in some form (some form that doesn't require overhauling the connection UI code anyway, that is).

In the meantime, as an excuse to make a download page, I've polished up my little patch that removes the mocking popup that beeps, blinks and unhelpfully nudges you to logon to the DS servers every time you make a new world or open the chat screen by accident. Enjoy clicking 2 or 3 less times per world.

Replacing game files when it's not absolutely necessary is a peeve of mine, so neither patch does, so far. There's a rational basis for the peeve-- C3/DS uninstallers will remove all 'base game' scripts even if they've been modified, and I do a fair bit of reinstalling.

Though I might not any longer-- today I streamlined a bit of my VM workflow, creating a 'clean' XP machine to work from. Now my development environment can be isolated from my gameplay environment (and scripts tested against new AND well-loved installations) if need be.

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